MassiveBull01 44 / M
"Need a Bull ?"
Omaha, Nebraska, United States
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Last Visit: Within last 3 months
Member Since: May 10, 2014

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MassiveBull01 44/M
Omaha, Nebraska
I do have KiK just ask
I am an attractive, athletic, and hung straight male who is just looking to have some fun. I love to workout, any sort of physical activity, as well as going out for some fun......I'm a pretty simple guy and not looking for anything more than to make some new friends, go out for some drinks, and hopefully have some fun!!I'm a very laid back and no pressure type of per. I know the lifestyle is different for everyone, and not everyone is looking for the same thing, so if we meet and we mesh, then lets have some fun, and if not, it is always nice to meet new people and then go our separate ways. This is all about having fun and fulfilling fantasies. I have been in and out of the lifestyle for about 8 years now, and have had some wonderful experiences, and hope to have many more...... Soy un hombre heterosexual atractivo, atlテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつゥtico y colgado que sテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつウlo estテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつ。 buscando para divertirse. Me encanta hacer ejercicio, cualquier tipo de actividad fテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつュsica, asテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつュ como salir a divertirse ...... Soy un tipo muy simple y no busca nada mテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつ。s que hacer algunos nuevos amigos, salir a tomar unas copas , Y espero tener algo de diversiテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつウn !! Soy un muy relajado y sin tipo de presiテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつウn de la pera. Sテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつゥ que el estilo de vida es diferente para todos, y no todo el mundo estテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつ。 buscando lo mismo, asテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつュ que si nos reunimos y nos enredamos, entonces vamos a tener un poco de diversiテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつウn, y si no, siempre es agradable conocer gente nueva y luego ir a nuestro seperate formas. Esto es todo sobre divertirse y satisfacer fantasテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつュas. He estado dentro y fuera de la forma de vida por cerca de 5 aテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつアos ahora, y he tenido algunas experiencias maravillosas, y espero tener muchos mテδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつεδεつεδづつεδεつづδづつづδεつεδづつづδεつづδづつ。s ......

  • 44 / male
  • Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Sexual Orientation:
Looking For:  Women or Couples (man/woman)
Birthdate: January 28, 1980
Relocate?: Prefer not to say
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5 ft 10 in / 177-180 cm
Body Type: Athletic
Smoking: I'm a non-smoker
Drinking: Prefer not to say
Drugs: Prefer not to say
Education: Prefer not to say
Race: Caucasian
Religion: Prefer not to say
Have Children: No
Want Children: Prefer not to say
Male Endowment: Very long/Average
Circumcised: Yes
Speaks: English
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
My Trophy Case: