Advice Line Question Post Your Comment

Gottdatgood 58 F
2  questions

Do we tell him or no??!!!!


So, he is minding his business, looks peaceful,
but, he is exposed... Do we tell him?


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I think hes fine, let him be



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Here he is, relaxing in the sun.



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sure why not tell him no reason to be scared lol


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Never had that happen but have told a few guys their fly was open. They appreciate the tip off. hmm sounds like that situation could be on purpose to be nude in public or maybe he has an audience of 1 in mind: you. If you think he is a creeper let the police handle it, otherwise ignore or tell him. I would think a man could tell if his boys were swinging in the wind.


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Maybe he already knows.....or



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He already knows it. He is waiting for you to mention


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I would say something. It's a bad spot to get a sunburn


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Tell him, before the burn.


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mention it, use it as an opening if you want. i would.


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let free range penises roam free


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A weell placed HEY KIDS I FOUND YOUR BALL! might do the trick!


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Don't say shit. You think you're being helpful, but somehow he'll end up pissed and/or offended.


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Just spray suntan lotion on him and move on, you know be helpful but not involved. Lol


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yes poor guy might get sun burn ouch


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Well dont have to tell anything it may hurt them


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Tell him, so his balls don't get sun burn .. LOL


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Yes. I bet sunburned balls is not enjoyable.


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He is an OLD guy, telling him will embrasses him so much.


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Totally have to tell him!


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For sure tell him! I cant imagine having a burn there!


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I saw let him be and enjoy himself


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He knows. Who sleeps like that ....with a skimpy suit on. His balls are already feeling free and feeling hot. He has one eye open ...looking to see who is looking. lol


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That is a hell of a place to get sunburned! Yes, tell him, he should thank you! LOL


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