Premature eBlogination - Nothing to be ashamed of.  

OneStrangeBeast 52M  
2040 posts
9/23/2020 3:17 am

Last Read:
10/5/2020 5:55 pm

Premature eBlogination - Nothing to be ashamed of.

In The Beast's previous post, we discussed my habit of crossing The Line while chatting members of the opposite sex. That mysterious line which, once crossed, sends a conversation south unintentionally. In my case it's usually due speaking, cursing, and joking like a sailor. Landlubbers often mistake it for being rude or hateful instead of the casual, everyday banter twenty years in the Navy will develop in a person.
It turns out The Beast didn't offend his most recent partner as I'd originally suspected. She simply headed off the gym without mentioning her end of conversation was on hold.
That brings us yet another difficulty with modern, text-based communication - People's tendency abruptly leave a without mentioning their intentions. It usually happens right around the time I've said something that someone can read the incorrect meaning into, leaving me to wonder for hours or days if I stuck my foot in my mouth.
I'm just saying that it would be nice if people gave a quick indication that they need to stop the exchange for a time. A, "Talk to you later.", "Be right back.", "I gotta run for now.", or "I'll get back to you. " would work just fine. I'd even accept, "And Bob's your uncle. " even though it doesn't technically fit the circumstances.
It's just a thought.

P.S. Does now have a problem with certain words, numbers, and pictures being used in blogs? I had edit my previous post about half a dozen times and they still kept eliminating a few words and the picture I tried post. I'll be upset if I can't begin attaching my custom cartoons to my topics. I had a few good ones back in the glory days of the Beast Burrow.


OneStrangeBeast 52M  
2167 posts
10/5/2020 4:57 pm

Safe enough for the time being. If this year is the Agenda 21 platter, I don't think I care to be around in a decade for whatever the UN Agenda 2030 will unleash.
......but people tell me I'm just crazy.
Hope you're well Jules.

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