Time marches on.....  

Fullsizeseeksfun 46F
26 posts
3/26/2014 7:30 pm
Time marches on.....

I recently turned 36 and like most people it got me thinking about my life. I'm not your typical woman since I have never been married and have no . I followed my own beat and did things my way which included being very guarded with my heart. With this in mind I can honestly say I'm not sure if I have ever been in love. Sure I have had relationships: long, short, and in between. How do you know if you are in love? I thought in my last relationship I was but in the end I realized he was convenient and didn't ask for too much emotionally. I also realized each relationship was with a man that guaranteed it would fail. I'm at a cross roads mentally that says " step off the normal path you have been on and head towards the sun". The "sun" for me is someone who is like no other I have ever been with in regards to personality, looks, and life. It's too soon to tell anything but I do believe I will walk towards the sun and let it warm me up thawing my emotions.

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